Tracing and Tracking Epidemics

Why and how to map epidemics? Transportation network, buildings, greencover and all physical infrastructure can be mapped.. but how epidemics?

We were a class of 13 for our 2018 Master’s course in Urban Planning. Even now, after all these 27 years, we manage an active social media group. Everyone started applauding when Keso, one of our classmate shared the glad tidings of her appointment as an expert consultant in ‘Pandemics and Public Health’ wing of UN.

The role of an Urban Planner in health sector is one of the frequently asked questions. 25 years back is when Covid 19, the Corona virus became the reason for a global emergency with life and economy taking a serious hit. A major breakthrough to control the spread of the pandemic was made possible through enactment of contact tracking and tracing, jointly by Apple and Google.

Contact tracking is basically to track people those who came in contact with a person infected by corona virus. The smartphone signals were used to quickly and automatically track all the people interacted with the infected ones and alert for medical aid. Subsequently, those who had interacted in the ensuing days were identified through tracing. Spatial mapping of locations preceding the preparation of route map of infected people points out the possible hotspots of an outbreak and regions at risk.

State emergency was declared and medical attention was strengthened in many such regions which prevented major virus outbreak. Keso was associated with the Disaster Management Authority during this period and got involved in the team of contact tracing and mapping. An urban planner is also a social service worker, in a way.

It was probably in 1854, during the major cholera outbreak in London when epidemics and mapping were effectively knit together for the first time. The deaths from cholera was mapped by John Snow and was observed that most of them had a water pump in Broad street as their water source. It was found out that the water from this pump was contaminated by an underground sewage tank. At that times, it was believed that cholera was transmitted through foul air until the real reason was unveiled.

Spatial mapping of epidemics help observe and analyse space wise distribution of activities. Urban planning always have an incredible importance as it is capable of impacting the world and as every responsible urban planners, Keso will also proudly continue contributing to world’s transformation.


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An apartment hanging from an asteroid!

My apartment’s foundation is on an asteroid“, if Jerry would have told me this back in 2020, I would have tagged him crazy. Little did I know that years ahead, one of our meetings would be in his apartment in architectural marvell ‘Analemma Tower’.

Bestie of mine, an MBA graduate found his results for hard work in Canada and now is the CEO of a well established prefabrication and innovation company. Guess that’s what made him excited about owning an apartment in Analemma.

Analemma is placed in an eccentric geosynchronous orbit. Essentially, gypsy minded Jerry now travels thousands of miles between northern and southern hemispheres on a daily basis. I was dropped to the building by a passenger drone from New York city since the orbit was caliberated such as the slowest part of towers trajectory is occurring there. I was made to wear a protective suit as the temperature may range around -40°C at an elevation 32,000 meters. Literally, that is called a real ‘sky scraper’ from where the residents could use passenger drone system or directly parachute down to earth.

Jerry’s wife and me were chit chatting as she was cooking rajma in the electric stove powered from the most efficient space-based solar panels. The windows had different shapes over each floors specifically designed for variations in atmospheric conditions throughout the altitude and they never opens to the same view. The 45 minutes additional availability of daylight due to the higher elevation is an added advantage for this gadget maniac.

He started to throw light on Universal Orbital Support System (UOSS) as he was making my bed in the guest room. UOSS is the concept of suspending a body from an orbiting body in space. Hence both the masses are coupled that the orbiting body remains in higher altitude than that of the suspended body. Asteroid from which Analemma tower is to be suspended was captured and relocated to the orbit through an asteroid retreval mission in 2021. Further to this the building constructed in Dubai was brought and suspended using high strength cable.

Jerry’s wrist chip received an AR call from Tirou and projected Tirou’s face to our eye level.
What’s up, bhai?”, Tirou asked.
We are mixing the purest of water directly captured from cloud to a glass of whiskey, da” Jerry replied as the window behind us slowly opened to the sky view of Dubai city.

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